Funny Facts Free 8000+ Apk 1.3.0

Funny Facts Free 8000+ Apk 1.3.0
Funny Facts Free 8000+ Apk 1.3.0
All the craziest and funniest facts out there in the best app of this kind

Biggest archive of intersting facts out there.

Find out more about the human body, nature, science, celebrities, world records, strange laws, sex facts, and many more! With over 8000 facts to go trough you will never get bored again! And there are more facts to come!

Use swipe gestures to navigate trough facts. Swipe down to get a random one. Send facts to friends by long tapping the screen and hear them being spoken out loud by tapping on the "speak(lips)" icon in the title bar (internet connection recommended, but works with internal text-to-speech as well). You can also mannage your favorite facts and search trough the entire collection.

- largest collection of facts: 8000+ and counting;
- animated gestures;
- swipe gestures to navigate trough facts;
- send facts to friends by long tapping the screen;
- high quality text-to-speech
- manage favorites list
- set your preferences
- Super Duper UI

* There are phones that do not support text-to-speech. Sorry for that.
* To check whether your phone has text-to-speech capabilities go to Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output -> Text-to-speech settings.On models with Android 1.6 go to Menu -> Settings -> Speech synthesis.
* Also you can reach text-to-speech settings by clicking the "TTS Settings" menu item of our application.
* If Pico TTS engine is not installed, please install it by clicking "Install voice data".
* To select the default speech engine, speech rate, or to specify your default settings, go to Text-to-speech settings as described above.

Some of the facts you'll be seeing:
- Los Angeles's full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula"!
- Johnny Deep can not see 3D movies. "I'm unable to see in 3D. My eyes don't see in 3D. I have a weird eye... It just doesn't work. It may come as a surprise to you, but I've never seen normally," he told the TV show Access Hollywood.
- The human brain has about 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) neurons.
- A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h.

This application contains facts, quotes, some interesting, some funny, categories like human, nature, science, celebrities, world records, laws, sex, statistics and so on.

Please use the "Report" option in the menu to send us feedback.
Thank you for giving our app a try!

What's in this version:
- Fixed search bug
- UI improvements
- Fixed favorites bug
Thank you for reporting errors

Funny Facts Free 8000+ Apk Android Download

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